Submitted by Will on June 11, 2014

We were contacted by one of our retail boutique customers who uses the QuickBooks Point of Sale (QBPOS) and the QuickBooks Financial Pro software.

Issue: This morning they made a sale and ran the customer’s credit card for that particular amount. Right when they swiped the card, their internet went out. As you can imagine, the customer quickly started verifying whether or not the charge went through. 

The client first called American Express since that’s who the client has their account with. The representative confirmed that the credit card transaction went through. Then, she checked their QBPOS but the transaction wasn’t showing in their Sales History. She also ran an End of Day report and the charge wasn’t captured. That's when she contacted us.

Solution: In QBPOS, she can first try to look up the transaction by customer name or by the sale amount. If it’s not there, she should call the Intuit Merchant Services department to verify whether or not the charge went through. In this customer’s case, she called AMEX and they confirmed the charge but it’s always a best practice to contact Intuit since that is their Merchant Service Provider.
As long as the charge went through, she should manually enter that particular sale in QBPOS. Since Intuit is their Merchant Service Provider, they first need to log out from the merchant account. Then, make the manual sale in QBPOS. After the sale is made, log back into the Intuit merchant account. The reason she needs to log out of the Intuit merchant account is so she doesn’t charge the customer’s credit card again. If the charge never went through in the first place, then she can process the transaction as usual.