Submitted by Will on December 04, 2009

For some unknown reason, POS will lose its database connection. You know this has happened when you try to log in and POS goes into the connection wizard.  There are a couple of things to try.  You can go to control panel in windows and click on Administrative tools.  Double click on services and find the qbpos database manager.  Try stopping and starting it to see if that helps.  Another way I have fixed this problem is to just create a new company file.  After the connection wizard fails a couple of times, you get a change to create a new file.  Name it something very different that your file name.  (Bogus file, bad data, etc)  Then when it creates the connection to POS, you can go to file, company data and open.  It will list your company file.  Choose that and it should open.  In very limited cases, this doesn't work.  If so, you may have a data corruption issue.