English Management Solutions

July 4th Hours


Monday July 3rd: 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Tuesday July 4th : CLOSED ALL DAY

How to Access Your QuickBooks Online Subscription

I don’t know about you, but whenever I used to have to download and install software onto my computer I would get nervous because I never knew if I was doing it right. I always would come back to check that the progress bar continued loading all the way until it got up to 100% complete. Thankfully, after having to install various programs throughout my life, it has become a little easier each time. I guess it is true what they say, “practice does makes perfect”.



Available from: May 29th - June 1st



  QuickBooks Enterprise : 1-4 users save 20% ; 5-10 users save 50% 
Offer Valid Until June 1, 2017




How To:
Taking advantage of all the resources EMS has to offer

I have been finding out as you get older, people start being more interested in what you do. They ask questions to get to know you better and see how they can connect with you. Depending on where you meet, people will ask a variety of questions like: What company do you work for? What do they do? What are your hobbies? Just to name a few. I wrote this so you can get to know us better. I will be giving you an overview of what we do and who we are so you can see how you can connect with us to fulfill your business needs.

Company Info:

A Little Bit About Me & The Blog


My name is Marisol and I started working for English Management Solutions about 9 months ago. I received my BA from the University of San Diego and have had a background in hospitality for most of my life.

When I came to work for English Management I had very limited experience with QuickBooks, accounting (never my favorite subject in school) and (to be honest) I was also not very tech –savy.





Happy Birthday to English Management Solutions, 15 years old and we have just gotten our learner’s permit. Seriously, I thought I would like to share some of our history and some of the lessons learned in the hope that those of you starting out can benefit and even seasoned business owners may find that some of our experiences resonate.

First of all, I didn’t start my business as part of some master plan.  I had worked in corporate America all of my life, I figured to retire in corporate America, like my dad did.

Happy New Year
From: English Management Solutions

Our Office hours are:

Satuday: CLOSED
Sunday: CLOSED
Monday: CLOSED
Tuesday: 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

So, they say that you can’t avoid death or paying taxes, but in the fine state of California, the new year brings a bit of good news for all of us.  There was a quarter percent tax imposed by Prop 30 and it has expired as of December 31, 2016. The purpose of this article is to show you how to change your tax rate in QuickBooks Point of Sale Desktop software. The screen shots we have provided are for Version 12, but the steps are the same no matter what version you are using.

English Management Solutions wishes you and your loved ones
Happy Holidays!

Holiday Hours

Saturday: CLOSED

Sunday: CLOSED

Monday: CLOSED